
Directions to Nieman Markets

Coming from South of Cedarburg/Mequon:

Take 1-43 North to the Cedarburg Exit (Hwy. C). Head West approximately 5 miles to Wauwatosa Road (Hwy. 181/76th Street). Nieman Markets is located on the southwest corner.


Coming from North of Cedarburg/Mequon:

Take I-43 South to the Cedarburg Exit (Hwy. C). Head West approximately 5 miles to Wauwatosa Road (Hwy. 181/76th Street). Nieman Markets is located on the southwest corner.


Coming from West of Cedarburg/Mequon:

Take I-45 North to the Mequon Road East (Hwy. 167) exit. Head East approximately 5 miles to Wauwatosa Road (Hwy. 181/76th Street). Head North approximately 4 miles to Hwy. C (Pioneer Road). Nieman Markets is on the southwest corner.


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